Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thanks for Sharing... I think??

Let me start by saying, I have hiked Case Mountain a total of 3 times... This is an improvement over last time. I am pretty sure it has really prepared be for the 8-10 hour hike... I have learned a few things over the course of the last few weeks. The first is (if it was in my nature) I should be careful who I tell I am climbing Mount Washington. I have gotten a whole lot of support and excitement but I have gotten a few unsolicited pieces of advice. One person felt the need to tell me the story about the mutual friend who got hypothermia and had to be taken off the mountain, or there is the other person who described how his wife had to hold on to their 10 year old so securely because the winds were so fierce they were afraid she would blow away. Oh and my favorite the story about how a friend and his father got separated while climbing together and they had to send a search party to find his father. To this one I replied. No worries Felicia and I are going to hike pretty close to each other, to which he added so had he and his father... I am considering tethering myself to Felicia. But really these have all been really helpful in lessening my anxiety around this hike. The next lessen is you need a lot of things to climb this mountain. Aside from hiking boots and a super cute outfit, I have been advised you also need the following: Hiking Boots, Flip Flops (to change into at the top to give your feet a break from your boots), 2 pairs of good wool hiking socks, Shorts, Wind pants, Extra pair of underwear, Several layers of short sleeve and long sleeve dry-wicking shirts, Fleece vest or jacket, Wind breaker or rain coat, Gloves, Hat (baseball for sun and wool for cold), Headlamp or flashlight, Sunglasses, Food, Water (at least 32oz), powdered Gatorade, First aid kit (Vaseline for blisters), Money (cash), Driver’s license, Sunblock, and Bic lighter. What the person who put this list together forgot to mention is (just a few minor itty bitty things) sun glasses, hiking poles, oh and let’s not forget a TRAIL MAP! But even still, this is a day trip and I am beginning to wonder what kind of pack I will need to hold all this stuff. Anyone know if M. Washington has a sherpa service?? Seriously. I am really not nervous but I started to wonder when having a conversation with Felicia she said "it will be fine" or "you will be fine" no less than 30 times. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince me or herself. Looks like we both have things to work on! We climb in 7 days. What can I worry about next?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The proof is in the training.... Or is it???

I am just about too summit. I can see the sun starting to rise in the distance. Its muggy, but not as hot as it will get after the sun rises so I am greatful that I got up as early as I did. I am finally feeling prepared for the Mount Washington hike. Just about 100 feet to go before heading back down. It's the hardest part, stone faced wall, circa mission impossible and I am hanging from my finger tips and toes. I reach for the next finger hole and get a solid grip, moving my foot into the next position; my next hand goes to the next hold and foot follows. Just one more and I am there. I can hear the bell at the top ringing, those ahead of me are celebrating the day and the completion of a challenging hike/climb.its like a scale.. Bong, Bong, Bong, Bong... Its a famliar bong, I have heard it before... I have heard it in my dreams.. In fact its been a part of almost everyone of my dreams.. This is when I realize the bong is my alarm and time for me to wake up. So here are the facts. I have climbed case mountain a sum total of 1 times. I have worn my new boots the same number of times. I have spent a fair amount of time on the treadmill, elliptical, and rolling stair case. I am not sure its enough. I am pretty sure it is definitley not enough time in the new boots.. To the good news.. I bought a cute pair of new hiking socks, a new day pack, a few wicking top options. Suffice it to say I will be well dressed when the remove my body from the mountain... Because what ever the case I am going to do it.. afterall "there is no try there is only do" or something like that.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Procrastination as an Art Form

So the inner dialogue usually goes like this:
Good K: time to get up. You'll climb case mountain , clean the car, run to home goods and be back in no time for some rest and relaxation.
Lazy K: in 15 minutes(repeat this sequence at least 3 times)
Good K: okay I am up.. Get the boots on and lets go.
Lazy K: well. If you climb first you wil have to come home and shower. But it might be better to clean the car run the errands and then climb
Good K: your right lets do it that way instead. Much more sensible. Because then you can maybe climb twice. Yeah perfect.

That was Sunday and no I never climbed, not once. But there is always Monday. That's right start the week off strong. But I am too much of a wimp to hike in the woods a 6am. Especially since there have been a number of bear reports (none were even within 15 miles). But that's okay. Felicia had suggested just doing the elliptical. I will do that.
I get up and by (some miracle) out of bed. Grab my bag and my laptop and I am on my way by 545am. See how impressive I am.... Traffic is light. Why don't I do this everyday the commute is so easy. I am actually looking forward to the workout. I park my car, my gym is at work - super convenient. See I can do this. I can follow through. I grab my bag an head to the elevator. As soon as I get to the elevator the wind quickly leaves my sails. I am defeated.... I forgot the outfit on a hanger... My work clothes. It's now after 6 and there is not enough time to get home and back for a workout before my 9 am meeting.

I head home in defeat..Monday night sounds a little like Sunday morning.. Only making dinner, getting dark and i have to pack for my trip tomorrow is the rationale. And don't even ask about this morning... We will review that another time. This has been enough procrastination and devastation for one post. But I lived to fight/climb another day...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

From the Corner of the Couch to Mount Washington

About 10 years ago, I started doing sprint triathlons. Every year I have done at least one and more often a few races over the course of the summer. Last year and this year I have been sidelined. Originally, I think I was just burnt out. It is tough keeping up the momentum at 50+ pounds heavier than my fellow athletes. SO I took last year off. I did a few bike rides and continued my normal workouts. The intention was to come back this year. Well this year I find myself with back, knee, ankle and heel problems. It would seem I need to take another year off. But I wanted to do something that would be challenging and fun. I was really more interested in fun. Over the last few years, my good friend Felicia has suggested we go up to New Hampshire and climb Mount Washington. So when triathlons seem bleak this year I decided to make a plan. I mean it’s a hike. Sure it’s a 4 mile climb but really it’s a walk uphill. How hard can it be? I just need to train. So about a week or so ago, I committed to walking Case Mountain 5 days a week. Well, I walked Case Mountain today for the first time - so much for plans. For those of you not familiar with Case, this mountain is located in Manchester Connecticut and borders Glastonbury, Bolton and Hebron. At an astounding elevation of 744 ft. it is really more of a hill that takes about 15 minutes to summit. I am not sure how prepared I will be. I may need to look for something more challenging. But really I wasn't worried until I went to Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS) this morning. Important to note is this is before I had hiked at all. So what many of you may not know, unless we have done a race together, or trained together - the fact of the matter is while I believe training is important, I think having the right gear is equally important and must include a new outfit. After all, I am not going to be the first to finish, and I will likely look at my wits end for all or part of the event so first and foremost the outfit HAS to be super cute.. So I was going into EMS to check out outfits and get a pair of hiking shoes/boots (wasn’t sure which). I go into EMS into the shoe department and a young guy approaches to help me. I proudly state, "I am climbing Mount Washington and I think I need something more than sneakers to hike it." To which he replied in agreement. Further stating the Mount Washington is the highest climb and one of the most challenging east of the Mississippi. Say what... This is not what Felicia has led me to believe. Good thing she is on her annual month long road trip west without a cell phone and unable to be reached - I am now panicked. Felicia is tall, slender, a lifelong runner, with a runners body. Myself, while for the last 20 years, I am an active swimmer, biker and "if someone is chasing me and I fear for my life" runner, I am average to short with a not-so aerodynamic body. What have I gotten myself into?? Well specifically, I have gotten myself into a hike to an elevation of over 6,000 feet. SO this is why when I got home with my new mid-level Keen hiking boots, I strapped them on and headed out in the sprinkling rain to hike Case Mountain. Normally the sprinkling would have been a sign from god to procrastinate... not today. I was up and down the sprawling Case Mountain in exactly 30 minutes. I hike on August 2nd.... Over the course of the next few weeks I will step up my training, find out more about this hike I have agreed to and I will keep you posted on my progress. I still need to get that super cute outfit to match my hiking books... I hope you will follow along... There are sure to be shocking revelations, challenges, sore muscles and plenty of laughs along the way. Oh and hopefully I survive to laugh about it. Kristen