Wednesday, August 1, 2012

57 hours but who is counting

It is three days before the big hike or at least it was when I started writing this now it’s more like 36 hours. Like most fellow athletes I am spending the last few days before the stroll tapering - which in my case (given my training history) just means I am thinking about it less. This leaves me more time to focusing on the important details. Like what outfit will I wear, what snacks to pack, my will, catching up with friends I haven’t talk to in a long time and trying to remember how to pee outside. This week it came to my attention that Mount Washington does not have indoor plumbing - crazy I know. So since I will be hiking for 8-10 hours it is likely that I will need to pee outside. Remind me why I am doing this? The last time I was required to do this was probably after too much to drink down some alley or between two car doors twenty years ago. But peeing in the woods is a little different exercise. There is not as much leverage or physical/mental dexterity that alcohol provides you... One option, I am told, is a diva cup... No lie... a diva cup... apparently this allows you to pee standing up. It is commonly referred to as a she-nis... No matter what joy the thought of not have to squat gives me the thought of some contraption called a "she-nis" or "diva cup: just conjures a few thoughts... number 1 - a recipe for disaster and number 2 (don’t go there... I am not) just totally wimpy... this may be my first hike above 744 feet but I am not a wimp, I am practically a professional. So we will just have to see how it goes... Well there you have it folks... this is the last post before the big hike next time I post I will be back seated in the corner of the couch watching Real Housewives of Somewhere with a vodka soda and a heating pad on every muscle in my body. Write to you in a few and if not - it’s been nice knowing you!

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